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How Exosomes Work for Skin Repair and Regeneration

Have you ever wondered why we start to lose our baby glow? Well, it is a natural process. But why does it happen? It is not that our skin loses its ability to be skin itself. Rather, it is a continual process that becomes slower as we enter adulthood. It is the main reason why our skin develops wrinkles and fine lines, which make it look dull. Don’t worry, though! We have good news: our skin still has the incredible ability to regenerate, even if it is not quite as speedy as a toddler’s. This blog is your guide to unlocking the secrets of skin regeneration. We will break down the science behind that healthy glow, explore the amazing things your skin does every day, and share tips to keep it looking its best.

What is skin rejuvenation?

No wonder babies always have that glow! They have a skin renewal process that generates cells every two weeks, while teenagers do the same every four weeks. As adults, our cell regeneration slows down a bit, taking between four and six weeks. This natural cycle showcases how our body continuously renews itself, like hitting the reset button on our organ!

Think of your skin as a superhero; it serves as our defense against the world outside, protecting us from harmful germs, regulating body temperature, and even producing vitamin D. This powerful shield consists of three main layers:

The epidermis acts as the outermost layer; this tough barrier functions as our body’s security guard by keeping out unwanted intruders. It also houses cells that defend against infections.

The dermis serves as the skin’s powerhouse; envision it as a city beneath the surface filled with tissues, nerves, and essential hair follicles. The hypodermis is situated beneath the dermis; this layer acts as the foundation of our skin fortress.

Our body consists of different types of cells, each with a vital role in maintaining the connection between our skin, muscles, and bones. A fascinating fact to ponder: a mere square inch of our skin houses 19 million skin cells!. Wait, there’s more to it. Below the layer lie 60,000 factories known as melanocytes. These tiny workers are in charge of creating melanin, the substance that gives our skin its hue and acts as a shield against the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Process of skin regeneration

The amazing ability for skin regeneration helps you keep your skin healthy and protected from damage and regular wear and tear. Yes, there is regular wear and tear as well. Our skin constantly battles environmental stressors and other factors that lead to skin damage, like sunspots. So, you ask, what is the process? Let’s have a brief look at how this process actually happens:

  • The first step is cell division in the dermis layer of the skin. The dermis layer houses skin stem cells, which start to give rise to new cells.
  • In the second step, the new cells start to migrate upward. While migrating, these newly formed cells mature and differentiate into different types of cells.
  • The third step involves the maturation of the differentiated cells. During their maturation process, they replace the existing old cells. They also take over their ability to produce structural proteins to give you bright, young-looking skin.
  • The fourth step is the shedding of the skin cells. The mature cells eventually die and are usually shed off as dead skin. It is the flaking or peeling that you observe after washing your face.

Skin regeneration is a constant process, and this process keeps occurring every day. However, as we age, the skin rejuvenation process becomes less efficient due to regular sun damage and environmental factors. It occurs at two levels. At the first level, our stem cell regeneration abilities are reduced. At the second level, mature skin cells produce less collagen and elastin. This remarkable regeneration process helps your skin:

  • Maintain a healthy barrier against infection and the environment.
  • Repair minor injuries like scrapes and cuts.
  • Keep your skin looking fresh and radiant.

So, in other words, what we understood is that there are three main players in this process:

  • Stem cells: These special stem cells are located deep in the hypodermis layer and constantly give rise to different types of cells in our skin, including keratinocytes and fibroblasts. You can think of stem cells as a factory that is constantly producing new skin cells.
  • Epidermis: As the mature cells reach the end of their lives, they form several sublayers of the skin. New skins keep adding to these sublayers, ensuring that the skin is always in the best condition.
  • Dermis: The layer beneath the epidermis, which is filled with structural protein, blood vessels, and other structures that support the skin.

Factors influencing skin regeneration:

Skin regeneration is an on-going process, and there are factors that can influence skin regeneration rate and health:

  • Age: As we age, the rate of cell division slows down, leading to lesser production of collagen and elastin. Because the dermis layer starts to become thinner, it also leads to less elastic skin. It means aging causes several things that show several signs of aging.

  • Lifestyle: Our lifestyle choices also play a crucial role in regulating skin health. For instance, there are studies that have shown direct links between smoking, a poor diet, and skin regenerative abilities. As we smoke more, our skin tends to have a bad rate of skin rejuvenation.

  • Skin Care: Most of us do not have a skin routine that we follow. It must be included in our day-to-day lives so that we are able to keep our skin looking its best.

Okay, we talked about the factors that will influence skin regeneration. But what steps should one follow to increase skin regeneration abilities? To help you with that, we have a short list:

  • Be gentle with your skin. You have to ensure that when you are putting anything on your skin, be it makeup or lotion, you are gentle with your skin. Because if you don’t stay gentle, you will cause irritation, itchy tears, redness, tightness, and flaky skin.

  • Make better lifestyle choices. As we mentioned, lifestyle choices affect how our skin regeneration is affected. We can start with regular exercise, a nutrient-deficient diet (meaning no to minimal fast food), staying hydrated, staying away from stress when possible, and protecting ourselves from environmental factors.

  • Make dietary changes. Begin by incorporating a protein-rich diet that includes nuts, seeds, and beans. For animal based protein sources, consider adding fish, dairy products, and poultry to your meals. Additionally, include foods high in antioxidants, such as apples, ginger, strawberries, and blueberries, in your eating routine. Both proteins and antioxidants play a role in ensuring the skin receives nutrients for effective regeneration.

  • Indulge in regular skin care. It is necessary that we follow a good skincare routine. It is not like we have to spend thousands of dollars every day; we have to ensure that we exfoliate, hydrate, and clean our skin on a regular basis. The time frame may depend on every individual case, but as a general rule, we should at least do this two to three times a week.

What if I want deep skin rejuvenation?

Not all aspects of skin rejuvenation are manageable by ourselves or at home. Yes, the above discussed points are going to play a vital role in creating the foundation, but if you need a deep exfoliation, a dermatologist may be able to help you. They can help rejuvenate your skin’s regeneration process through techniques like:

  • Laser skin resurfacing

  • Microdermabrasion

  • Chemical peels

  • Microneedling

  • Exosome therapy

Remember, dermatologists will give you a combination of treatments rather than one treatment option, depending on the needs of your skin. You can ask your dermatologist about each therapy, and they can explain in detail what benefit each treatment can provide you. Here we would like to elaborate on one treatment option, “exosome therapy.”

Exosomes and Skin Repair

Exosomes are being recognized as a method to enhance skin rejuvenation. These tiny bubbles, released by cells, contain molecules like proteins, mRNA, and microRNAs that serve as messengers between cells. In therapy, we extract exosomes from stem cells known for their rejuvenating properties. So how exactly do these exosomes benefit the skin? Here’s a brief rundown of what exosome therapy can help achieve for your skin:

  • Reducing inflammation: Exosomes can regulate the response, leading to reduced inflammation at wound sites and promoting healing.

  • Stimulating cell growth: Exosomes deliver growth factors and signals that motivate skin cells to multiply and repair damaged tissue.

  • Boosting collagen production: activating fibroblasts to produce collagen exosomes enhances skin firmness and elasticity.

  • Facilitating angiogenesis: Exosomes encourage the growth of blood vessels by supplying oxygen and nutrients to wound sites, accelerating the healing process.


Skin regeneration is a mechanism that plays a role in keeping our skin healthy and youthful. Nevertheless, as we age and due to various factors, the speed of this process diminishes. Exosomes present a method to support skin rejuvenation by transmitting signals for cell communication. Although studies are still in progress, exosomes show promise for the future of skincare, providing a focused and potentially game changing strategy to tackle different skin issues.


Exosomes don’t directly cause hair growth. Instead, they activate hair follicles, which play a role, in the growth of hair. These exosomes contain growth factors, proteins, and nutrients that support the process of hair growth. By providing the growth factors to nourish the hair follicles, exosomes have the potential to aid hair regrowth. The resulting hair from stimulation tends to be thicker. May even help reduce the thinning of hair strands.

Yes, definitely! Exosomes, when used on the scalp, provide nourishment to hair follicles, encouraging them to produce healthier hair. They also support scalp health. Promote the development of blood vessels (known as angiogenesis), enabling the body to deliver more nutrients to the scalp for better hair growth.

It’s perfectly fine to mix exosome therapy with methods for treating hair loss. In fact, there have been instances where combining therapy with other hair loss treatments has yielded superior outcomes. For example, dermatologists are now leaning towards incorporating exosomes following procedures such as laser resurfacing to shorten recovery periods and enhance results.

Exosome hair therapy done using Advancexo has been dermatologically tested on various hair types and is deemed safe for use.

What are the potential side effects and safety considerations of exosome therapy?

Exosome therapy for hair loss is generally safe with side effects. It’s a gentle treatment option. In some instances, some individuals may notice swelling and redness at the application site, but this typically fades away after a short while. To reduce the chances of your clients experiencing any side effects, consider conducting sensitivity tests.

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